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Sustainability at Our Core


Here at Acoustic Remedy Cases we believe that sustainability goes beyond some of obvious efforts that a lot of companies make. Below you will find some of the highlights of our sustainability effort.  We encourage you to support businesses which engage in these types of activities to reduce our footprint and help preserve the beautiful world we live in.


We have a special relationship with Mother Earth since the vast majority of the raw materials used in our products are a variety of beautiful species of trees.  We have gone to great lengths to ensure the wood used in our handmade cases is sustainably harvested. 

Sustainability and sound reforestation programs are a key factor to Acoustic Remedy. We have a strong commitment to the environmental issues that face our industry and will only purchase from reputable and environmentally sound suppliers. We have through the years managed to build up long lasting relationships with those that have a strong environment, social and humanitarian obligation to the areas and communities they work in.

Our Amish builder receives a majority of the lumber used in our products from one or two sources located in Wisconsin.  These suppliers are providing lumber from sources that abide by the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) goals.  FSC claims that forests managed to its standards offer benefits to both local and wider communities and these are said to include cleaner air and water, and a contribution to mitigating the effects of climate change.  By using the FSC logo, we are signifying that the products come from responsible sources—environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable. 

For lumber our Amish builder doesn't source, such as highly coveted exotic species, we deal with a handful of highly reputable lumber suppliers who work with local communities in Africa, Central America, and South America to ensure no illegal harvesting or clear cutting was involved in the wood they purchase.

Additionally, we aim to find reclaimed wood when possible.  Often times the Amish will actually take down the very barns that we turn into cases.

Sustainable Harvesting & Re-Forestation

Harvesting techniques today are more sophisticated than they were 50 years ago and many medium to large size logging operations use hi-tech equipment to harvest lumber concessions. It is estimated that in the USA alone only 65% to 70% of the sustainable yield is harvested annually, leaving + 30% to add to existing inventory. European based logging companies are heavily involved in the African lumber industry and many have been around since the early 1800’s. Sustainability of the concessions they work in are paramount to their survival and many contribute to environmental & humanitarian programs within those areas and beyond.

Globalization has made it easier to obtain a variety of lumber species from various countries around the world, which in turn has made it important to monitor the volumes that are being harvested and exported / imported. Species that are in limited supply are monitored very strictly and in most cases it is very difficult to obtain export permits from the country of origin if annual quotes have already been met, furthermore special permits are required to import hardwood species into the USA, all shipments are subject to search by Customs, Agriculture & the FDA.There are two main forms of harvesting; the first method is called selective harvesting. This method involves logging within timber concessions of specific hardwoods by selectively choosing and marking the logs for cutting. These logs are then cut and removed, with emphasis on minimal impact to the surrounding area.
Areas that are subject to selective harvesting are generally only re-visited every few years (as determined by the amount of mature trees left behind after each harvest); this allows the harvested area to sustain itself.The second method is called plantation harvesting. This method is generally used for high demand species and is a very successful program that over the years has added greatly to many countries standing hardwood inventory. In this method land is generally reclaimed from farming enterprises or alternatively from land that is deemed useless for any other industry. Tree sapling farms are established to generate seeds into saplings (infant trees) and these are then taken into the allocated area and planted in neat straight rows. These infant trees are monitored on a regular basis and as they begin to mature are regularly pruned and tested for diseases or genetic problems. Once the trees reach maturity they are harvested through clear-cutting techniques that take into account many factors such as top soil run off degradation of the plot of land etc, minimal damage to these important aspects is crucial and strictly followed. The land is then once again prepped for the new batch of saplings to be planted.

Misconceptions of the Lumber Industry


The largest challenge facing the lumber industry today is not the challenges in harvesting using correct and non-invasive techniques but rather the misconception of people regarding the industry as a whole. The industry can not survive without careful planning; correct management techniques and responsibility to the areas that the loggers work within. It is in the best interest of the various lumber companies to sustain and protect this vital resource in order to guarantee the continued survival of the industry as a whole.

Today more natural habitat is lost to farming and commercial / industrial development than to any one logging operation. Unfortunately many laws have been passed to protect habitats from logging but not enough is done to curb over zealous farmers and developers from clear cutting and burning natural habitats.

Education is paramount to insure that future generations understand the importance of such a valuable resource. We strive to work with our distributors and their customers in these aspects and are always willing to explain in depth the amount of planning and logistics that we go through to offer beautiful woods from around the world. Our commitment at Cormark to the environment is long term and will look towards the future to insure our continued prosperity.


All products are handmade by one Amish builder located just outside Viroqua, WI.  There is no mass production on an assembly line and in fact each and every case is made utilizing construction techniques passed down through multiple generations.   Like any other product, we do run our products in small batches to increase efficiency.   


A vast majority of the accessory items are produced within 150 miles of ARC headquarters.  


Dave's Guitar Shop

One of the top ten in the country, Dave's (as it's often referred to), is located in La Crosse, WI.  It's an amazing guitar shop and we have the privilege of it being in our back yard.  We've also purchased many instruments and borrowed some of the gorgeous instruments you see in our product photography.  In addition, we have ClimaStands in their store and love working with the staff.  

Santa Cruz Guitar Company (SCGC)

we have a special relationship with SCGC and own one of their fine instruments as part of one of the oldest sustainable actions in the book.  We traded a guitar case plus some co-advertisement efforts for a Vintage Southerner sunburst.  We heard some first hand examples  of SCGC's sustainability efforts while touring their facility (with Richard Hoover, Founder as our tour guide!).  One example that stands out was the story of a custom guitar built for John Fogherty of Creedance Clearwater Revival fame that was made from a very old church pew from Brazil.  Check out their website for more information on their commitments to sustainability.  SCGC - About the Woods.