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ClimaCab Build Update Page - 2024 to Early 2025 Batch


Your ClimaCab is progressing nicely, and we're excited to share some updates with you. We have included a few photos of the progress so far, and we will continue to update this page with more photos, information, and estimated completion dates as we get closer to finishing. Please bookmark this page and feel free to revisit it as often as you'd like. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to us at or 608-844-8460.

Beginning Stages

In the initial phase of ClimaCab construction, the lumber is shaped into "blanks." Blanks are rough-cut pieces of lumber that are sized to the desired length and width, then planed down to a thickness of 7/8 inches. From this point, the pieces are numbered and coded to become the components of your ClimaCab. The early stages of each ClimaCab batch involve many hundreds of pieces being moved from station to station on carts inside Hickory Ridge Woodworking. While these steps may seem unexciting, they are essential for creating a world-class humidor and display cabinet.



Next, the blanks are further processed into ClimaCab components by flat planing, joining, rip sawing, and trimming to length. This creates many scrap pieces, which are collected and usually burned in various wood stoves during the winter months.



As the build progresses, the pieces are milled. Milling is a term that refers to cutting joinery and other necessary shapes along the edges of the pieces to allow them to fit together. In the example shown below, the lower section panels, which are part of the doors and sides, have grooves on one piece and protruding tongues on the other. These components interlock at the four corners to create a frame that surrounds the hardwood panel. Each groove contains several small oval rubber balls inserted along its length, providing a soft cushion to accommodate the natural expansion and contraction of the panel in response to fluctuations in humidity and temperature.



A lock miter joint, which resembles an "S" shape, is an exceptionally strong joint that connects two pieces at a perfect right angle. This joint is cut using a specialized shaper that requires skill and knowledge to operate safely and effectively.


Currently, the doors are fully assembled and are being sanded to their final size. They still have sharp edges, which will eventually be rounded over and hand-sanded to achieve a smooth finish.



The assembly of the upper and lower sections is beginning now, which will require numerous clamps and wood glue. We estimate that the first group of cabinets, in batches of 10 to 12, will be sent to Southside Finishing around mid to late February. After staining (if applicable) and applying a triple coat of lacquer, the cabinets will be returned to Hickory Ridge for finalization based on the order of your down payment date. We will provide an update along with additional photos in the coming weeks.