AR Crew

 A brief biography of each of Acoustic Remedy's founders, as well as Rocky the shop dog (RIP), who always kept us company in the early days of AR. 

Adam Jacobson, Ryan Sauter


Adam has been with the company since inception and is involved with all aspects of the day-to-day operations.  Adam enjoys working with customers and creating a great experience for them through every step of the process.  He has experience in marketing, advertising, quality control/assurance, brand management, order fulfillment, business development, website maintenance, logo design, customer relations, data management, finance, production, and sales.  

In his free time, he has moved into building electric guitars and has enjoyed employing some the skills learned in the early part of the company to delve into a new hobby.  To date he has created two guitars from start to finish and is in the process of the third.  Soon he will be embarking on his first acoustic guitar build, which should pose interesting and new challenges.  Adam also enjoys mountain biking, photography, playing music, and old man hockey.


Ryan has been with the company since inception and is involved with all aspects of day-to-day operations.  The idea for the ClimaStand was conceptualized by Ryan while sitting in his living room trying to figure out where to store his increasingly dried out guitar.  With the help of his good buddy Adam, they were able to design and refine the ClimaStand into the great work of art it is today.  Ryan likes to focus on growing the business through marketing and networking within the music industry.  In his free time, he enjoys spending time with his family, playing guitar, telemark skiing, water skiing, and camping.


A lifelong master carpenter and woodworker, Denny is Adam's dad and was instrumental in creating the first prototypes, building the first few actual ClimaStands bound for customers, and tutoring Ryan and Adam on woodworking 101.  He still provides his input to Ryan, Adam, and sometimes even Enos on certain projects.


Without Enos, Acoustic Remedy would not exist in it's current form.  He has literally taken everything we throw at him and helped immensely along the way to improve all of our products.  We are often the idea behind the product and Enos is the person who brings it to reality.  We're proud to work with such a kind, humble, and extremely hardworking individual.


Ryan's dog Rocky was a black lab/retriever mix and could always be found laying around in the early days of AR collecting sawdust on his jet black coat and catching all the flies he could.  Of course there was many of balls thrown and breaks to in the shade beating the heat of summer.  RIP Rocky boy.


Sofia is Adam's cat who can often be found roaming the small workshop in his basement.  She loves to jump up on Adam's shoulders and see the world from a different view.  From her perch, she witnessed multiple ClimaCases & ClimaStands leaving the basement workshop.  Often times, she jumped inside of them while the gasket and latches were being installed.  We've since transitioned all inventory and the finishing out of all cases to Hickory Ridge Woodworking and the workshop has now been converted into a photo studio where Sofia still comes to hang out.