ClimaCab Shipping ~

Introduction to LTL Shipping

The final steps in getting your Climacab is the freight LTL (Less-Than-Load) shipping.  This mode of shipping is common for large items and simply means that the crate will ship via semi-trailer amongst many other palletized, crated, odd size, and heavy items that cannot be shipped via common carriers such as FedEx or UPS. 

LTL combines partial loads to create full, multi-stop truckloads. Shipping costs are based on space used, the class of items being shipped, and pickup and destination locations. LTL freight can be shipped standard, expedited, or guaranteed.

Your Options

Acoustic Remedy will enter dimensions, weight, and a zip code into an online system which will provide a Quick Quote within a matter of minutes.  The options for deliver include:

Curbside (Lift Gate): 1 man delivery, carrier will lower shipment to the ground with a lift gate

Threshold: 1st dry area (Garage/Covered Porch) *not inside delivery

Room of Choice:  1-2 men delivery (depending on weight) delivered to a designated room of your choice (up to 2 staircases)

White Glove:  1-2 men delivery (depending on weight) delivered to a designated room of your choice (up to 2 staircases) + Package removal

White Glove (Light Assembly): 1-2 men delivery (depending on weight) delivered to a designated room of your choice (up to 2 staircases) + Package removal + Basic tool assembly up to 30 minutes (Recommended for pre-assembled goods, not for ready to assemble goods such as cribs or beds, etc. Assembly instructions may be required upon booking)

Shipping companies do not complete the following:

  1. Inspection of the ClimaCab for damages - this is your responsibility and discussed later on this page

  2. Removal of debris (crate, foam, and other packaging material) - unless the level of service is purchased.

  3. Lifting over thresholds, steps, etc. - unless the level of service is purchased.

  4. Tilting, tipping, or angling the crate into your garage if the crate is too tall or if the garage opening is too small

  5. Guaranteed deliveries, unless a premium has been paid for such service

  6. Any extra services deemed out of scope by the shipping company based on the contracted level of service

  7. Storage of your ClimaCab for zero charge a t the terminal beyond the contracted free storage period

The Process

Once the quotes are retrieved from the online system, we will provide you with the options and pricing for each. 

We add approximately $300 to the cost of the LTL quote.  This cost is for the 3/4" plywood crate, foam interior lining, labor to make the crate, and for full insurance on the shipment.  We fully disclose this because it's a vital step in getting the ClimaCab to you safely. 

The insurance included in the process has several documents which discuss the terms and conditions, which are linked below.

Explanation of Coverage

Summary of Coverage

Once the level of service is selected by the customer, we create the final invoice for remaining due on the ClimaCab plus shipping.  Once the invoice is paid, we book the shipment and print all appropriate paperwork.  Lastly, we will provide the tracking information for your purposes.

Our Responsibilities

Your Responsibilities

The Inspection Process

If You Find Damage

The Claim, Repair, and Replace Process

In the event a claim must be filed, the delivery paperwork noting damages and photographs are the two extremely critical pieces of evidence needed.  Claims are subject to documents listed above for insurance.

In the claim process, we will complete the following: