Old Globe Reclaimed 300+ Year Old Eastern White Pine | Projects Photo Gallery ~

Old Globe Wood Company

There is little comparison, both logistically and product wise, to the offerings of Old Globe Wood Company.  We are thrilled they reside in our home state and we have access to over 3 million+ board feet of this material to build our products.

To gain a little knowledge on this remarkable company in northern Wisconsin and the provenance of the wood, please visit https://www.oldglobewood.com/

Acoustic Remedy Projects with Old Globe Wood

We've had some fun and some unique challenges working with this wood.  For starters the location to obtain the wood is several hundred miles away and is for all practical purposes unattended. A few phone calls and emails later, we arranged a visit in March 2020.  In addition, the wood is reclaimed so it comes with features such as surface staining, knots, thickness variations, etc. that make building high end humidors an adventure.

The Eastern White Pine used in the grain elevators was cut from virgin forests in Wisconsin and Minnesota in the mid to late 1800s.  These woods were anywhere from 125-250 years old when harvested and when erected in 1887, the Globe Elevators were the largest terminal elevators in the world. They contain one of the greatest supply of old growth virgin pine.  Old Globe has slowly began dissecting these large structures and providing their customers with sustainably reclaimed wood that is unique and a whole different kind of wood.

So far we've created a ClimaCab Grand with a beautiful antique colored stain from Woodwright's Ohio Collection called Seely. This particular ClimaCab made its way from Wisconsin to Brooklyn, NY to find its new home in a studio in a flat adjacent to the East River and the Statue of Liberty.   Below are a few photos of this project at various stages of completion.

In December 2020, we created several versions of our ClimaCase and ClimaStand, including a horizontal hanging version of the ClimaCase that will house a BB King owned and signed Gibson.  The first ones out of the shop included our new Horizontal ClimaCase, which utilizes a String Swing neck hook and some custom made bout rest blocks that are angled perfectly towards one another to cradle a variety of lower bouts on a wide range of instruments. We also made a standard rectangle shaped ClimaCase and several ClimaStands.

These particular versions feature two different exterior surfaces.  The first is "in the rough", which preserves all of the rustic surfaces that were present as the wood was extracted from the elevators and with little to no surface preparation on our end.  The interior is planed and hand sanded to expose the underlying wood while still preserving the knots and nail holes.  It's stained with the Woodwright brand Seely stain to provide a nice antique look.   

The second exterior surface is the entire ClimaCase or ClimaStand being made from wood which is planed, hand sanded, and finished in Seely.  This is identical to the ClimaCab Grand pictured above and the interior of the "in the rough" versions.