A Big Thanks to Taylor Guitars
February 12, 2013

We are big fans of Taylor Guitars, in fact both founders of Acoustic Remedy Cases have just recently become the beneficiaries of Taylor's generosity and kindness and have taken delivery of two new Taylor guitars (visit our website www.acousticremedycases.com to see them in our product shots). It's been amazing listening to what comes out of these guitars -- something to behold for sure. If you are familiar with Taylor, then you are also aware of their near obsession with humidity. It is estimated by Bob Taylor, founder and president of Taylor Guitars, that around 70% of the instruments that come back for warranty repair are for damages could have been avoided if the guitar was stored in an environment with the proper relative humidity!
I'll be honest, our company started with a dream to make a great way of storing a guitar and keeping it accessible. We have poured our heart and soul (and most of our extra cash) in to the business so while we were servicing customers with fine instruments, our experience with them mainly involved trips to Dave's Guitar shop to noodle around on whatever they would let us play. It goes without saying that we have been extremely happy to finally get some nice instruments of our own, but I have to admit I was a bit apprehensive about the responsibility of owning a nice guitar. I've always known we had a great product, but when I became personally responsible for a $5,000 instrument my appreciation for the ClimaStand grew to another level. Every day I walk past the guitar on my way to work, and every day I pick it up to strum a tune just because it is sitting there in the ClimaStand staring at me. I sleep well at night knowing that the guitar is sitting perfectly at 50% RH and protected from the sticky fingers of my three little boys, and when I go out of town for a week I don't think about sponges drying out because the Humidipaks last for months. Needless to say I love my ClimaStand. But one event sticks out in my mind as the time I really began to appreciate what our product brings to our customers. Right before Christmas we had a photo shoot to update some of our product photography and to provide some good shots to the Fretboard Journal for an upcoming feature. I had to send my ClimaStand to the photographer and was without it for a week while he worked on getting good photographs. For that week my guitar sat in the hardshell case it was delivered in. I had every intention of putting some Humidipaks in the case, but I kept forgetting and when I got the ClimaStand back from the photographer I realized that I had gone almost a week without playing the guitar and had completely forgotten to humidify it. Since that week the guitar has been stored in a ClimaStand, and every day I marvel at the simplicity and reliability of our system. Simply stated, I don't trust myself to own a nice guitar without having a ClimaStand to put it in. It is the easiest and most reliable way to protect your guitar...and it is the best way to see your guitar every day so you pick it up and play it.
Thank you Taylor Guitars, not only have you given us the gift of great music, but you've really opened our eyes to how great our product is.
We have provided a link to Taylor Guitars website and an article from their Wood & Steel publication.
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