It's Been Too Long.....We're Sorry!

February 13, 2016

It's Been Too Long.....We're Sorry!

When business is good, extended delays in updating your blog seem to happen.  We have been crankin' out order after order and have somehow neglected this portion of our website.  It's a fine line between too much and too little, but we vow that 2016 will be different.  We will inform those who want to know what's going on and keep it real.  No promo blasts or tooting our own horn too often.  Only the stuff we think you want to hear.  With that being said, here is a recap of what's been happening around ARC and some new things on the horizon.

2015 RECAP:

2015 was a great year for ARC.  One trend that we continue to see is that customers come back for more.  Our repeat customer list grows and grows!  It's a testament to the fact that once people see the craftsmanship, quality, and the ease of humidity control with our cases, they want more to protect their collection.  

We continued to work with customers who were looking for custom options, which led us into unchartered waters.  Zebrawood, Wenge, Purpleheart, Sycamore, and African Paduak were all on the menu.  We rolled out a 3-Wood Combo case (African Paduak, Flamed Maple, and Walnut) and it led to trying the same thing with Flamed Maple, Purpleheart and Walnut.  You can check out the case we sold here and if you are interested in the one we have in stock now, please reach out to us.  There are pictures of both below.

We've loved working with these new woods and look forward to more in the future.  The results were simply spectacular!

Walnut Rectangle Cases



Flame Maple/African Paduak/Walnut

Flame Maple/Purpleheart/Walnut




Santa Cruz Guitar Company

We continued to build our relationship with Santa Cruz Guitar Co (SCGC) and could not be any happier to associate with such a fantastic company.  We cannot say enough about how amazing these people are!  They have opened their arms and embraced us as a partner and we can truly say that we are humbled by this experience.  They have shown us how things should work in the industry - provide what the customer wants, give them options to customize, and provide excellent customer service.  If you ever are looking for a new acoustic guitar and want the very best, look no further than SCGC.  And then of course, protect and display with ARC :)

Here's a link to their website and an offer that never expires!

Guitar Salon International (GSI)

GSI is the industry leader in premium classical and acoustic guitars.  Located in Santa Monica, California, GSI has been another great partnership for ARC.  We've been honored to provide their customers with a reliable and proven method to protect and display their guitars.  In all honesty, they have really pushed the envelope for how guitar shops recommend our product and get it in front of people.  When they purchase a guitar, the next question is "how are you going to keep it humidified properly?"  Answer - by using D'Addario Two-Way Humidity Control paired with an Acoustic Remedy Cases ClimaStand.  This shop is top notch and we recommend them to handle your needs!

Dave's Guitar Shop

Our hometown hero!  It still amazes us that in small town USA there exists a guitar shop of this stature and magnitude.  We have worked with them since our inception and will continue to have representation in their store and availability through their website.  We worked with customers on custom projects and sold our standard offering through Dave's for the last five years.  If you haven't checked them out, do it now!  First class all the way.


Trade Shows

The decision has been made to attend trade shows this year.  We've been talking about it for too long and now it's time to just do it.  The cream of the crop is NAMM, which is held annually in January in Anaheim, CA.  We will be there in 2017.  Mark our words on that!  It's arguably the biggest and best conglomeration in the music industry.

We will also be picking one or two other trade shows to attend and are soliciting recommendations from you.  If there's one you attend annually and think we'd be a good fit, please let us know!  This should help us to get more representation in guitar stores and perhaps we could land in a guitar shop in your city.

Working With Industry Pros

The list is short, but we will grow it.  We had the honor of working with Pat Metheny and in short order we are planning on adding Jack Johnson to the list.  It's amazing how you meet people who can put your product in front of these people.  Once it's in front of them, they love it.  It's all about exposure and getting industry pros to realize that a ClimaStand is something they never knew they needed.  If anyone out there knows of any artists who might be interested in our products, whether they know them first hand or through the grapevine, please let us know!

Here's a picture of Pat's studio in New York City with a Wes Montgomery Gibson L5 guitar that was given to him by George Benson. 

Accessory Items

We've been working on some new products.  Wood guitar picks and pedal boards are some of the guitar accessories that we've brought to the market.  There's been a good vibe on these and we will continue to develop new varieties for our customers.  What's nice about the picks in particular is that we use the left over wood from building the cases to make picks.  It drives our sustainability and the by-product is that we can give folks a different way to strum their guitars!  They've been a hit for a present to guitar players and with people looking for a different tone.

Here's a link to what we currently offer and the new dual wood picks we just had made. The new offerings include Walnut w/ Maple, Maple w/ Walnut, Maple w/ Mahogany, Maple w/ Paduak, Maple w/ Purplehear.

Thanks for taking the time to read this new blog and we promise to keep at this going forward.  Please reach out to us if there's anything you need for humidity control, accessories, or other guitar stores you think would be a good fit for our product.


~ the ARC gang

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