Upper and Lower Section Height

Our upper and lower section heights are thoughtfully sized to create a dimensionally correct and aesthetically pleasing ClimaCab. Alterations to our standard sizes may be necessary or required depending on certain situations, including room constraints or customization.

Standard Upper Section

The upper section height is standardized 55", regardless of display option chosen, to accommodate a variety of stringed instruments.

Standard Lower Section

The lower section height is standardized 17". When combined with the 55" upper section, the ClimaCab is six foot tall.

Altering Upper Section

Learn about options to shrink or expand the upper section.

Reduced Height

Currently the upper section height is standardized 55", regardless of display option chosen; however, prior to this standardization two sized upper sections were utilized. For resting display options, the upper section was 49 1/2" and for hanging options the upper section was 55". We need a taller upper section for hanging options because of the length of the String Swing hangers. During this time, we would combine a 49 1/2" upper section with a 22 1/2" lower section and 55" upper section with a 17" lower section, keeping both 72" tall.

Therefore, the options for reducing the upper section height are utilizing the 49 1/2" upper section or using a custom height upper section.  

We will work with you to determine the correct height for your situation and will ask a few questions to assist with the process.

Increased Height

For situations where the upper section needs to increase, we recommend combining it with our low profile lower section. The low profile lower section is 10 1/2" tall and is discussed further below. This combination keeps the overall height down and the ClimaCab closer to six foot tall.

An increased upper section is commonly required for cellos. For 3/4 and full size cellos, the upper section height of 61 1/2" is adequate.

Altering Lower Section

Learn more about options for no lower section, low profile, or increased height lower sections.

Coming Soon

No Lower Section

Eliminating the lower section entirely results in a ClimaCab that is only the upper section. This concept is under development currently, stay tuned for examples and more information.

Coming Soon

Ultra Low Profile

By using a slightly less depth reservoir for the humidification unit, we can shrink the lower section to 6" height. This concept is under development currently, stay tuned for examples and more information.

Low Profile

Our standard low profile lower section is 10 1/2" in height. This is enough height to house the hardwood box which holds the humidifier, while still providing a small storage compartment on the left/right side.

Customer Testimonials

"Acoustic Remedy found Sitka Spruce from St. George Island in Alaska and Cocobolo from Nicaragua to build a ClimaStand that matched my Martin!"

Jack H. - Indianopolis, IN

"The woods are gorgeous. I had a hard time pikcing, but I went with Walnut and it's simply some of the best Walnut I've ever seen"

Patrick M. - Toronto, Canada

"The wood surface preparation makes for an exceptionally nice feeling wood. It's robust at 3/4" thick making for a sturdy foundation for my guitars."

Leonard P. - Madison WI