When it comes to custom inlay, we are starting out with a few options and hope to build this customizing possibility as new ones arise.
Aulson Inlay:
We've partnered with Aulson Inlay, a guitar industry icon, to provide you the option of inlaying amazing designs anywhere on your ClimaStand, TotalStand, or Pedal Board.
Important Information:
- Materials:
- Absolutely stunning examples of mother of pearl, coral, wood, and other common elements often seen on high end instruments
- Pricing:
- $300+ depending on design and materials
- Precision:
- Each inlay is cut and flawlessly inserted into a matching routed portion
- Final Touches:
- Sanded flush and finished with our catalyzed lacquer
- Design:
- The examples shown are repeatable or can be completely unique
Inlay Banding:
A more affordable inlay option is something called inlay banding. These are strips of wood ranging from 1/8" to 1/4" in width and often times feature intricate designs and geometric patterns. Options are available to route out almost any portion of the ClimaStand, TotalStand, or Pedal Board.
Important Information:
- Materials:
- All inlay banding is constructed of high quality hardwoods
- Pricing:
- $75+ depending on design and materials
- Precision:
- Each inlay band is purchased from reputable suppliers and then our builder will route the boards where it's inlayed.
- Final Touches:
- Sanded flush and finished with our catalyzed lacquer
- Design:
- Choose from several options below